Boîte du jeu : 12 realms

12 realms


12 Realms is a fast Co-Op, Fantasy, Adventure, Language Independent, Board Game for 1 to 6 players Nominated by Board Game Geek: 2011 Golden Geek Best Print & Play Board Game Nominee. 12 Realms earned the Seal of Approval by Game Salute and got the 3rd Place on Board Game Geek as one of the most Anticipated Party, Family, & Children's Games of 2013 Game Mechanic: Area Movement, Co-operative Play, Hand Management, Partnerships, Variable Player Powers. Game Duration: 45 min. Siegfried, Snow White, D' Artagnan, Red Riding Hood, and the other heroes of the 12 realms are being reunited for one last great adventure. The Dark Lords have joined forces to completely conquer and subjugate all the known Lands, and only the combined efforts of all the greatest heroes can halt their nefarious plan. All players must band together to stop the Dark Lords' overwhelming hordes from pillaging the 12 Realms. Individual invaders can be defeated by using each hero's different talents, but to vanquish the Dark Lords you must claim a powerful artifact. In their quest to stop the invasion, the Heroes can travel together between different lands, or they can try to single-handedly defend a Realm. Each of the 12 Realms is an individual land, with different treasures and events, and populated by unique creatures.

Nombre de joueurs :1 - 6
Age :8 ans et +
Durée de partie :40 min
Langues :Français
EAN :799422828018
Fiche mise à jour le :24/11/2021 16:46:49



    Description de la communauté

    12 Realms is a fast Co-Op, Fantasy, Adventure, Language Independent, Board Game for 1 to 6 players Nominated by Board Game Geek: 2011 Golden Geek Best Print & Play Board Game Nominee. 12 Realms earned the Seal of Approval by Game Salute and got the 3rd Place on Board Game Geek as one of the most Anticipated Party, Family, & Children's Games of 2013 Game Mechanic: Area Movement, Co-operative Play, Hand Management, Partnerships, Variable Player Powers. Game Duration: 45 min. Siegfried, Snow White, D' Artagnan, Red Riding Hood, and the other heroes of the 12 realms are being reunited for one last great adventure. The Dark Lords have joined forces to completely conquer and subjugate all the known Lands, and only the combined efforts of all the greatest heroes can halt their nefarious plan. All players must band together to stop the Dark Lords' overwhelming hordes from pillaging the 12 Realms. Individual invaders can be defeated by using each hero's different talents, but to vanquish the Dark Lords you must claim a powerful artifact. In their quest to stop the invasion, the Heroes can travel together between different lands, or they can try to single-handedly defend a Realm. Each of the 12 Realms is an individual land, with different treasures and events, and populated by unique creatures. Le PDF de règle peut être trouvé ici.

    Images & vidéos

    Les avis

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    Hoyuk : foyer, mon dur foyer

    Hoyuk : foyer, mon dur foyer

    , le 11/08/2015
    [[12 realms](][[Hoyuk](][[Wrong Chemistry](]<br ...

    autres sujets

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    up !



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    Hello tout le monde, bon, finalement j'ai abandonné mon pledge, je trouve finalement que le jeu de base est amplement suffisant et que je n'ai pas besoin d'extension pour en profiter malgré la qualité des figurines.



    Raid & Trade : Esteban, Zia, TaoRaid & Trade : Esteban, Zia, Tao
    @Zemeckis Il y a trois façon de gagner : remplir trois quêtes pour la Cité d'Or, gagner 20 points de compétence ou gagner 10 point de "Faveur" On vous donne de plus amples détails bientôt !

    Monsieur Guillaume


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    [financé et terminé] 12 Realms[financé et terminé] 12 Realms
    J'en vends 1 exemplaire pour ce que ça intéresse (voir ma signature).



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    [12 Realms] Talent Or et achats en ville[12 Realms] Talent Or et achats en ville
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