Boîte du jeu : Apex Theropod Deck Building Game - Stomping Grounds Expansion Deck

Apex Theropod Deck Building Game - Stomping Grounds Expansion Deck


Contenu : 70 Cards Total Stomping Grounds! ability Apex cards (that let you reap another player's Hoard) New types of Evolve cards Rapid Incubation Infectious Bite Adrenal Frenzy Muscular Augmentation New types of Affliction cards Fatal Pathogen Broken Bone New types of Environment cards e.g. Sulfuric Vents & Arctic Blast Additional new types of animals to hunt e.g. Megaraptor & Concavenator

Nombre de joueurs :1 - 6
Age :14 ans et +
Durée de partie :120 min
Langues :Français
Fiche mise à jour le :24/11/2021 16:50:26



    Description de la communauté

    Contenu : 70 Cards Total Stomping Grounds! ability Apex cards (that let you reap another player's Hoard) New types of Evolve cards Rapid Incubation Infectious Bite Adrenal Frenzy Muscular Augmentation New types of Affliction cards Fatal Pathogen Broken Bone New types of Environment cards e.g. Sulfuric Vents & Arctic Blast Additional new types of animals to hunt e.g. Megaraptor & ConcavenatorCe pack d'extension ajoute des cartes d'interactions pour chacun des decks de la boite de base avec un nouveau mécanisme: Stomping Grounds !

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