Boîte du jeu : AREA 1851

AREA 1851



In Area 1851, you are one of the area's top five Tinkerers and you're looking to prove your grit to the citizens of this Wild West town. Each turn, players have to deal with and negotiate random events in the area, then continue the turn under those circumstances, by drawing Tinker cards to fill their hand up to five cards, then rolling dice to determine their resources for that turn. Players then spend those resources to build new Gadgets or augment their existing Gadgets with Modifications. These Gadgets and Modifications can then be Delivered to the townsfolk for Reputation. In addition players can choose to scrap cards from their hand, and pull them out of circulation. To assist them in their endeavor to build the best contraptions in the land, players utilize three Assistants that are granted one at a time as play progresses; activate the Assistants provides bonuses to the player from various locations around town. Players also have the opportunity to show their worthiness by picking up new Feat cards during their turn. Completing these Feats provide a nice boost in Reputation during, or even at the end of the game. Since it's hard to keep all your thoughts in one place as a tinker, players end the turn by passing their hands around the table to a neighbor. The player that has earned the most Reputation from Delivering Gadgets and accomplishing Feats wins!

Nombre de joueurs :2 - 5
Age :14 ans et +
Durée de partie :60 min
Langues :Français
Date de sortie :20/10/2015
Fiche mise à jour le :01/08/2017 23:19:32



    Description de la communauté

    In Area 1851, you are one of the area's top five Tinkerers and you're looking to prove your grit to the citizens of this Wild West town. Each turn, players have to deal with and negotiate random events in the area, then continue the turn under those circumstances, by drawing Tinker cards to fill their hand up to five cards, then rolling dice to determine their resources for that turn. Players then spend those resources to build new Gadgets or augment their existing Gadgets with Modifications. These Gadgets and Modifications can then be Delivered to the townsfolk for Reputation. In addition players can choose to scrap cards from their hand, and pull them out of circulation. To assist them in their endeavor to build the best contraptions in the land, players utilize three Assistants that are granted one at a time as play progresses; activate the Assistants provides bonuses to the player from various locations around town. Players also have the opportunity to show their worthiness by picking up new Feat cards during their turn. Completing these Feats provide a nice boost in Reputation during, or even at the end of the game. Since it's hard to keep all your thoughts in one place as a tinker, players end the turn by passing their hands around the table to a neighbor. The player that has earned the most Reputation from Delivering Gadgets and accomplishing Feats wins!Les joueurs incarnent des bricoleurs du far-west, qui s'amusent à assembler des objets et des fonctions provenant des colons, des indiens et d'extra-terrestres très intéressés par ces trouvailles: tout le monde en fait commerce et le gagnant est celui qui aura récolté le plus de points de réputation.

    Images & vidéos

      Les avis

      • 8

        Cow-Boys & Aliens 

        Le mélange est aussi frappant que dans un certain film, et l'occasion d'en faire un jeu un peu déjanté est bonne: la thématique est bien mise en valeur tant par le graphisme cartoonesque que par la mécanique simple et rapide. Tout le monde joue en même temps et lance ses dés à 4 faces afin de bricoler des objets improbables venant des technologies des hommes blancs, des indiens et des E.T., ce qui fait évidemment des étincelles... Ce Kickstarter sorti de chez lui pour la première fois à ESSEN Spiel 2015 vaut le détour car il s'apprend vite, se joue vite et procure une bonne dose de plaisir, tout au moins si on prend le temps d'expliquer le machin qu'on vient de construire et de vendre... ;-) Pas disponible en français à ce jour, les règles ne posent pas de problème à comprendre. Seul bémol: la force parfois exagérée des cartes "mission" qui rendent les points de fin de partie un peu... explosifs!


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