Mail reçu hier soir. Steve Jackson Games se propose de produire le jeu et de l'envoyer aux backers.
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Here's an announcement from Steve Jackson Games. If you haven't filled out your survey, please do so by Wednesday July 20, as that's when I'll be pulling the data to pass along to SJG, and a filled out survey will make it smoother in receiving your copy of the game.
July 15, 2016 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEIt’s No Trick: Ghosts Love Candy Really Is Coming, From Steve Jackson Games
It’s No Trick: Ghosts Love Candy Really Is Coming, From Steve Jackson Games
AUSTIN, Texas (July 14, 2016) – You may not know this, but ghosts like candy. Did I say like?
I meant love.
And gamers loved the idea of Ghosts Love Candy so much that the game met its full Kickstarter funding goal in 2015. Unfortunately, unforeseen issues prevented the completion of the game. That’s why Steve Jackson Games is producing it now.
When we noticed that so many people were excited about the game, we saw an opportunity to help bring Ghosts Love Candy to life, and we will be offering it next year as an official Steve Jackson Games release!
That excitement from Kickstarter won’t go to waste, either. Although Steve Jackson Games did not receive any of the Kickstarter campaign funds, we want to do what we can to reward the 371 backers of the Ghosts Love Candy project. Steve Jackson Games is taking steps to collect the addresses of all of the Ghosts Love Candy Kickstarter project backers so we can ship each of you a copy of the printed game. If you supported the Kickstarter project, then please contact We will check your information against the data we receive from 5th Street Games, and notify you when the game is ready to mail. We recognize that Ghosts Love Candy wouldn’t be here without that fan support.
Now gamers everywhere will finally get to haunt unsuspecting trick-or-treaters, using special powers to collect their favorite candy – but they must be careful not to linger too long, or the kids will get scared and run away. It’s a spooky good time for three to six ghosts!
Sam Mitschke, COO of Steve Jackson Games, provided additional game development help with his co-conspirator Randy Scheunemann. When asked about the project, Sam poked two holes in a sheet of paper, held it in front of his face, and shouted, "BOOOoooooOOOOOOoooooooo!"
About Steve Jackson Games
Steve Jackson Games, based in Austin, Texas, has been publishing games, game books, and magazines since 1980. Its best-selling game is Munchkin, with almost 7 million copies of the games and supplements in print worldwide. Other top sellers are GURPS (the Generic Universal RolePlaying System), Zombie Dice, and Illuminati. Past hits have included Car Wars and Toon. Steve's very first game, Ogre, originally released in 1977, drew almost a million dollars' worth of Kickstarter support in 2012 for a super-deluxe edition, which was released in late 2013.
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