Boîte du jeu : Dark Gothic: Colonial Horror

Dark Gothic: Colonial Horror


Ce jeu peut se jouer seul ou combiné avec la boite de Dark gothic Dark Gothic: Colonial Horror can be combined with the original Dark Gothic deck-building card game to add new mechanisms and greater variety to it, or it can be played on its own as a 2-3 player game that is fast, fun, and deadly! In Dark Gothic: Colonial Horror, each player takes on the role of a unique monster-hunting hero who collects allies and gear to aid them in their journeys while they root out evil and hunt supernatural creatures back to their lairs. Players must hunt down a series of increasingly difficult villains that are terrorizing the countryside before the land is consumed in shadows. Though the heroes must generally work cooperatively as a group to stop the villains from overwhelming the land, there can be only one top monster hunter amongst them when the dust clears and the final victory total is gathered.

Nombre de joueurs :2 - 5
Age :14 ans et +
Durée de partie :60 min
Langues :Français
Fiche mise à jour le :08/10/2023 02:13:34



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