Boîte du jeu : Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse SEASONS

Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse SEASONS


Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse: Seasons brings an all new campaign to the skirmish-scale miniatures game of survival horror, taking players through the changing seasons and the challenges this brings to their Groups of survivors. As well as rival gangs and mindless zombies, your Group will have to deal with hunger, thirst, warmth, and the many other problems that can't be stopped with a well-placed bullet. Featuring a host of new character types, scavenge tables, scenarios, and even rules for using bicycles, motorbikes, and snowmobiles, this expansion is essential for a survivor during the last days.

Nombre de joueurs :1 - null
Age :14 ans et +
Durée de partie :-
Langues :Français
Fiche mise à jour le :02/03/2022 08:10:07



    Description de la communauté

    Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse: Seasons brings an all new campaign to the skirmish-scale miniatures game of survival horror, taking players through the changing seasons and the challenges this brings to their Groups of survivors. As well as rival gangs and mindless zombies, your Group will have to deal with hunger, thirst, warmth, and the many other problems that can't be stopped with a well-placed bullet. Featuring a host of new character types, scavenge tables, scenarios, and even rules for using bicycles, motorbikes, and snowmobiles, this expansion is essential for a survivor during the last days.Livre de campagne pour Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse

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