Boîte du jeu : Legendary : Champions

Legendary : Champions


The Legendary®: A Marvel Deck Building Game: Champions small expansion set includes 100 playable, new cards featuring original artwork! Are you ready to fight Fin Fang Foom and his team of kaiju-like monsters? Can you stop the Wrecking Crew from destroying the city? The Champions - young heroes determined to stick together and do the right thing after the events of Civil War II - come together in this expansion for Marvel Legendary. Check out some of the fun new Schemes that come with the expansion. Hypnotize Every Human which has a little bit of extra set-up to make the Villain deck a bit bigger. We’ve seen Villains capture bystanders, we’ve seen Bystanders used as Hostages and Witnesses. But now, Bystanders are slowing the team down! The Champions have a strict moral code, but when Bystanders protect the bad guys, it becomes a bit of an issue! The game features five new Heroes, two new Villains groups, two new double-sided Masterminds with Tactics and four new Schemes. Marvel Legendary Champions (Small Box Expansion) includes: > Expansion includes 100 ALL NEW playable cards and a Color Rule sheet > Features an ALL NEW fan-favorite team from Marvel comics > IMPORTANT NOTE: This expansion requires the Legendary®: A Marvel Deck Building Game. IT IS NOT A STAND-ALONE PRODUCT.

Nombre de joueurs :1 - 5
Age :12 ans et +
Durée de partie :60 min
Langues :Français
Fiche mise à jour le :24/11/2021 16:53:44



    Description de la communauté

    The Legendary®: A Marvel Deck Building Game: Champions small expansion set includes 100 playable, new cards featuring original artwork! Are you ready to fight Fin Fang Foom and his team of kaiju-like monsters? Can you stop the Wrecking Crew from destroying the city? The Champions - young heroes determined to stick together and do the right thing after the events of Civil War II - come together in this expansion for Marvel Legendary. Check out some of the fun new Schemes that come with the expansion. Hypnotize Every Human which has a little bit of extra set-up to make the Villain deck a bit bigger. We’ve seen Villains capture bystanders, we’ve seen Bystanders used as Hostages and Witnesses. But now, Bystanders are slowing the team down! The Champions have a strict moral code, but when Bystanders protect the bad guys, it becomes a bit of an issue! The game features five new Heroes, two new Villains groups, two new double-sided Masterminds with Tactics and four new Schemes. Marvel Legendary Champions (Small Box Expansion) includes: > Expansion includes 100 ALL NEW playable cards and a Color Rule sheet > Features an ALL NEW fan-favorite team from Marvel comics > IMPORTANT NOTE: This expansion requires the Legendary®: A Marvel Deck Building Game. IT IS NOT A STAND-ALONE PRODUCT.The Legendary®: A Marvel Deck Building Game: Champions small expansion set includes 100 playable, new cards featuring original artwork!

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