Boîte du jeu : Lift Off

Lift Off


1950/1960: The race into space is in full swing! We're making great progress on the techniques for supplying astronauts and space-ready machines, for optimizing launch conditions, and of course for designing the much-needed rockets. All this to explore the sheer vastness of space. But in Lift Off, not only are two superpowers competing for the most glorious milestones of space travel, no, we players are also very involved. In this game, we each play a private space agency that wants to develop in their own areas. We must hire specialists, improve our rockets, and expand our capabilities because soon we have to decide which missions we want to carry out and what we want to bring into space. Only those who plan ahead and properly manage the resources available will win this race to the stars...

Nombre de joueurs :2 - 4
Age :12 ans et +
Durée de partie :120 min
Langues :Français
Fiche mise à jour le :08/01/2022 08:10:11



    Description de la communauté

    1950/1960: The race into space is in full swing! We're making great progress on the techniques for supplying astronauts and space-ready machines, for optimizing launch conditions, and of course for designing the much-needed rockets. All this to explore the sheer vastness of space. But in Lift Off, not only are two superpowers competing for the most glorious milestones of space travel, no, we players are also very involved. In this game, we each play a private space agency that wants to develop in their own areas. We must hire specialists, improve our rockets, and expand our capabilities because soon we have to decide which missions we want to carry out and what we want to bring into space. Only those who plan ahead and properly manage the resources available will win this race to the stars...Les années 60. La course pour l'espace en est à ses balbutiements. Développer vos recherches, fabriquez les ressources nécessaires pour envoyer vos fusée dans l'espace et mettre en orbites vos satellites les plus puissants!

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    [Lift Off] - Des retours ?[Lift Off] - Des retours ?
    sebduj dit : En 2 mots, on adore ce jeux Raaah, t'es pénible. En général, quand tu recommandés un jeu Hans im gluck ou du style, ça me plait aussi.


