Boîte du jeu : Oath of the Brotherhood

Oath of the Brotherhood


A famous captain has arrived at the island with news of hidden treasure. He seeks a few good men to add to his crew but will only accept members of the Brotherhood of Pirates. Rumor has it that has amassed a huge fortune and is now looking for his replacement so that he can retire in a quiet plantation. In this 2 to 5 player game you are a young pirate who wants to join the Brotherhood of Pirates in order to earn a place among the captain's crew. Howerver, talk in the tavern is taht it is more difficult to become a member of theBrotherhood than it is to join the British Royal Navy. Are you ready to take the ... OATH OF THE BROTHERHOOD?

Nombre de joueurs :2 - 5
Age :12 ans et +
Durée de partie :60 min
Langues :Français
EAN :5202276105679
Fiche mise à jour le :02/03/2022 08:10:07



    Description de la communauté

    A famous captain has arrived at the island with news of hidden treasure. He seeks a few good men to add to his crew but will only accept members of the Brotherhood of Pirates. Rumor has it that has amassed a huge fortune and is now looking for his replacement so that he can retire in a quiet plantation. In this 2 to 5 player game you are a young pirate who wants to join the Brotherhood of Pirates in order to earn a place among the captain's crew. Howerver, talk in the tavern is taht it is more difficult to become a member of theBrotherhood than it is to join the British Royal Navy. Are you ready to take the ... OATH OF THE BROTHERHOOD?Un capitaine renommé est arrivé sur l'île avec des promesses de trésors et de pillage. Il est à la recherche de quelques hommes pour son équipage mais il n'acceptera que des Frères de la Côte. Les rumeurs disent qu'il a amassé une grosse fortune et qui'l cherche un successeur afin de se retirer dans une plantation tranquille.

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