Boîte du jeu : Rumms



Cube Quest is a dexterity game in which lightweight hollow cubic dice are flicked across custom rubber mats. Cubes that leave the mats are defeated. Play alternates until someone wins by defeating the enemy king. Cubes also risk defeat in enemy territory; if they land "shadow" side up, they have been captured and must be rolled, like dice, to determine whether they escape. The cubes have different strengths and special abilities, such as taking extra flicks, immobilizing enemy cubes, reviving lost cubes, and hiding before strategic re-positioning. The game allows for custom army building using a simple point system. Pre-battle setup involves a tactical selection of cubes worth a total of 40 points maximum to fight alongside their king. Each player also chooses how to position their cubes, creating individual attack and defense formations and structures!

Nombre de joueurs :2 - 4
Age :7 ans et +
Durée de partie :20 min
Langues :Français
EAN :4002051697631
Fiche mise à jour le :16/03/2021 17:35:23



    Description de la communauté

    Cube Quest is a dexterity game in which lightweight hollow cubic dice are flicked across custom rubber mats. Cubes that leave the mats are defeated. Play alternates until someone wins by defeating the enemy king. Cubes also risk defeat in enemy territory; if they land "shadow" side up, they have been captured and must be rolled, like dice, to determine whether they escape. The cubes have different strengths and special abilities, such as taking extra flicks, immobilizing enemy cubes, reviving lost cubes, and hiding before strategic re-positioning. The game allows for custom army building using a simple point system. Pre-battle setup involves a tactical selection of cubes worth a total of 40 points maximum to fight alongside their king. Each player also chooses how to position their cubes, creating individual attack and defense formations and structures!Pichnettez vos chevaliers, trolls et autre dragon pour faire sortir le roi adverse du plateau... mais attention, ces chevaliers, trolls et autre dragon sont des dés... essayez de ne pas vous les faire capturer !

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    Cube Quest / RummsCube Quest / Rumms
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    Rumms : Cube Quest en fran... allemand !Rumms : Cube Quest en fran... allemand !
    J'ai tellement aimé Cube Quest, malgré son tapis un peu gondolé, que j'ai aussi commandé Rumms pour avoir un tapis tout plat. Mon épouse et les enfants adorent.


