Boîte du jeu : STORM over NORMANDY




Storm Over Normandy uses the Area Move system introduced in MMP's hit games Storm Over Stalingrad and Storm Over Dien Bien Phu. The game focuses on the landings on the five beaches “Sword”, “Juno”, “Gold”, “Omaha”, “Utah”, plus the Allied paratrooper operations, and the German response over the first week of the battle. The entire game can be played in less than 3 hours. The game features the use of cards to augment game play, allowing specific chrome to be added to the game without additional rules overhead. The rules are similar in length and complexity to those seen in Storm Over Stalingrad, and contain many examples of play, with modifications to the system made to represent the scale and nature of the operation.

Nombre de joueurs :2
Age :14 ans et +
Durée de partie :180 min
Langues :Français
Date de sortie :07/09/2015
Fiche mise à jour le :05/07/2021 18:46:26



    Description de la communauté

    Storm Over Normandy uses the Area Move system introduced in MMP's hit games Storm Over Stalingrad and Storm Over Dien Bien Phu. The game focuses on the landings on the five beaches “Sword”, “Juno”, “Gold”, “Omaha”, “Utah”, plus the Allied paratrooper operations, and the German response over the first week of the battle. The entire game can be played in less than 3 hours. The game features the use of cards to augment game play, allowing specific chrome to be added to the game without additional rules overhead. The rules are similar in length and complexity to those seen in Storm Over Stalingrad, and contain many examples of play, with modifications to the system made to represent the scale and nature of the operation.June 6th 1944: American, British and Canadian forces landed at dawn in Normandy, intent on starting the operation that would help end the war on the West Front.

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      BOM BOM BOM BOM! Storm over NormandyBOM BOM BOM BOM! Storm over Normandy
      Pouch1 dit : C'est clairement mon coup de cœur wargame de l'année dernière !! Une partie dure un peu mais c'est toujours tendu. Et question rejouabilité, j'en suis à ma quatrième partie, ce qui est déjà énorme par les temps qui courent. Ok, il y a des ouvertures; mais il y a aussi des prises de risques et des combinaisons de cartes qui peuvent changer un plan ;-) C'est bon signe ça. Ca me parait effectivement arracher du slYpe!

      Lord Kalbut

