Boîte du jeu : The Ark of the Covenant

The Ark of the Covenant



La version "biblique" de Carcassonne !

Nombre de joueurs :2 - 5
Age :9 ans et +
Durée de partie :30 min
Langues :Français
Date de sortie :10/12/2003
Fiche mise à jour le :24/11/2021 16:33:56



    Description de la communauté

    La version "biblique" de Carcassonne ! The Ark of the Covenant est la version biblique de Carcassonne. Au-delà des différences en terme d'illustration et de thème, The Ark of the Covenant, possède quelques mécanismes qui le démarque de son aîné (un pion arche d'alliance, des temples, etc, qui permettent de marquer plus de points) Cette version est malgré tous à réserver aux collectionneurs ou aux amoureux fous du jeu de Klaus-Jürgen Wrede !

    Images & vidéos

    Les avis

    • 6
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    autres sujets

    Carcassonne à la conquête de l'AmériqueCarcassonne à la conquête de l'Amérique
    Je déteste déjà le jeu de base et voir une nouvelle boite s'ajouter à la vingtaine d'autres estampillées "Carcassonne" ne fait qu'ajouter à mon ressenti face à ce jeu qui n'en fini plus d'être décliné (ça en devient ridicule, comme Catane_que j'aime pourtant bien_ ou Munchkin...). Bref ça gave. Y a tellement de jeux originaux qui attendent d'être publiés...



    Ark of the CovenantArk of the Covenant
    J'ai saisi le lien sur la fiche TT...



    règles françaises de carcassonne the ark of the covenantrègles françaises de carcassonne the ark of the covenant
    [[The Ark of the Covenant](] Bonjour, je cherche les règles en français de la dernière édition du jeu Carcassonne - the ark of the covenant



    Carcassonne - The Ark of the CovenantCarcassonne - The Ark of the Covenant
    En anglais (sur Spielfrieks), j'ai la flemme de traduire : 1. Instead of 'farms' there are 'fields' which are scored like the fields in "Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers". Each sheep is worth two points and each wolf eats one sheep. Though it doesn't implicitly state it, the rules do read like you cannot net a negative score for a field. 2. The roads score like in "Carcassonne" but there is a bonus. For each 'oasis' along the road the person scoring the road gets one bonus point. I think I like this better than the lakes doubling the value of a completed road in the first "Carcassonne" expansion. 3. Cities work the same except instead of shields which score an extra two points there are scrolls. 4. Prophets are a big Follower (a.k.a. meeple) which score only once when a city is completed and are then removed from the game. Should the owner of the Prophet score the completed city, then every tile and scroll in that city are worth four points each. They only count as one follower in the city. If the city with the Prophet doesn't complete, then the city scores at the end of the game like it was a regular follower (i.e., one point for each tile and scroll). 5. Instead of 'monasteries' there are 'temples' which score quite differently than monasteries. First, you don't actually place your follower on the temple. You may place it on any other feature on the tile, if it is a legal play. For instance, you cannot place it in a field which already has a follower in it. A temple is completed when it has tiles on the left, right, top, and bottom of the temple tile. In other words, it forms a cross. At that time you first score any other features that were completed by the tile that was placed to make the cross and remove any followers that scored. Then the player with the most followers on the temple tile and the four orthogonally adjacent tiles scores seven points and the followers are left on the board so they can score the feature they were placed on. 6. The Ark of the Covenant is a piece that is placed on the first city that is completed by the player who placed the tile which completed the city. During any player's turn, they may choose to move the Ark one to five tiles instead of placing a follower or their Prophet. The Ark scores one point for the owner of any follower on a tile which the Ark passes through. The Ark may not move through any space which it already passed through in that turn and may not end up on, or move through, the space it which it started that turn. I would guess that it can only move orthogonally, though that is not specified in the rules.


