Boîte du jeu : Three Kingdoms Redux

Three Kingdoms Redux


The Han Dynasty, founded in 206 BC, ruled the central plains and much of modern day China for nearly four hundred years. However, by late second century, court politics and poor governance has left it in rapid decline. The government was dominated by corrupt eunuchs and officials who levied heavy taxes on the peasants, resulting in public discontent. This culminated in the Yellow Turban Rebellion led by Zhang Jiao in 184 AD during the reign of Emperor Ling (168-189 AD). Although the Yellow Turban Rebellion was eventually put down, many surviving followers went on to become bandits and continued to create problems for the government. The Han army was unable to control the bandits and Emperor Ling granted direct administrative power over provinces and command of regional military to local lords. Many feudal lords took the opportunity to sever ties with the Han government and ruled independently. The more ambitious lords annexed neighbouring territories to expand their power bases. This led to the emergence of the three power blocs of Wei, Wu and Shu, and ushered in the Three Kingdoms period. Three Kingdoms Redux is a board game that seeks to recreate the tripartite between the states of Wei, Wu and Shu. You assume the role of one of the three lords – Cao Cao leading Cao Wei, Sun Jian leading Eastern Wu or Liu Bei leading Shu Han. Players start the game from asymmetrical positions, reflecting the manpower advantages Wei enjoyed in the early part of the period. The weaker states of Wu and Shu protect themselves by forming an alliance. As a feudal lord, you manage the different aspects of running a state whilst guarding your borders against both rebellious border tribes and external enemies. Managing each aspect well earns victory points for your state. But beware, for the balance of power shifts constantly during the game. Understand and take advantage of the power shifts, and you will fulfill your grand ambition of re-unifying China!

Nombre de joueurs :-3
Age :-14 ans et +
Durée de partie :-165 min
Langues :Français
Fiche mise à jour le :24/11/2021 16:49:27



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    three kingdoms reduxthree kingdoms redux
    [[Three Kingdoms Redux](] sorti depuis quelques années, three kingdoms redux (tkr pour les intimes), titille mon porte feuille. sur bgg, il y a une traduction en francais du companion de tkr. originellement de starting player, capstone games ressort une seconde édition... en anglais.... y a t'il une sortie prévue en francais pour ce jeu ? merci de vos réponses éclairées.



    [Three Kingdoms Redux] Premiers retours[Three Kingdoms Redux] Premiers retours
    Testé ce jour, c'est un excellent jeu de majorité. Très profond, très asymétrique, très long, mais au final très simple. En 2 tours, on a bien compris le jeu C'est un jeu à forte progression, dur de vaincre un vétéran. Le coeur du jeu se trouve dans le choix des généraux initiaux et ceux à suivre. Il faut bien équilibrer ses forces militaires et diplomatiques (j'ai mangé les vrais termes) Il y a du scoring un peu partout (sans rentrer dans l'orgie), et il est compliqué pour un débutant de savoir ou l'on se trouve (je pensais être bon dernier et de loin, je fini deuxième à égalité de points avec le premier, mais départagé) Bref, yabon


