Boîte du jeu : Triumph & Tragedy

Triumph & Tragedy



Triumph & Tragedy is a geopolitical strategy game set in the Europe of the of the 1930's and 1940's. Three rival socio-political systems headed by Britain, Germany and the USSR seek politico-economic hegemony via both peaceful and military means, including diplomatic, economic, technological and military components. The game can be won by accumulating a dominant economic Sphere of Influence, by technological supremacy, (developing the Atomic bomb), or by military conquest of a rival faction. The area map extends from the Americas to the Urals and India. Military units are 16mm wooden blocks of 7 unit-types (armies, fleets, etc.) so the nature of rival military forces is unknown until they are revealed for combat. Economic production underlies all forms of power in the game, and is limited by the least of one's controlled Population (cities), controlled Resources, and level of industrial development. Population and Resources can be added through peaceful Diplomacy (card-play) or military conquest, but this latter incurs negative "world reaction" consequences. Industrial development requires re-investment of current Production, at the expense of military buildup and Diplomatic/Technological initiatives. Triumph & Tragedy is a true 3-sided game : only one player can win and there is no more presumption of West-USSR cooperation than any other possibility. Competition for Population and Resource growth will increasingly provoke rivals, and war is possible at any point but not inevitable. Inter-player negotiation can instantly change the geopolitical balance, but agreements are not enforceable, so cooperation is shifting and undependable. For 2-way play, the ability of the Allies (West and USSR) to collaborate against the Axis is hindered to reflect their differing agendas. The game can continue as a diplomatic/economic struggle or a sudden military explosion can change everything. Military action occurs on a seasonal scale and incurs economic and diplomatic costs. Operational initiative is variable and only somewhat controlled by players. Combat is intense and often decisive and technological superiority can be telling.

Nombre de joueurs :2 - 3
Age :12 ans et +
Durée de partie :240 min
Langues :Français
Date de sortie :01/01/2015
Fiche mise à jour le :02/03/2022 08:10:07



    Description de la communauté

    Triumph & Tragedy is a geopolitical strategy game set in the Europe of the of the 1930's and 1940's. Three rival socio-political systems headed by Britain, Germany and the USSR seek politico-economic hegemony via both peaceful and military means, including diplomatic, economic, technological and military components. The game can be won by accumulating a dominant economic Sphere of Influence, by technological supremacy, (developing the Atomic bomb), or by military conquest of a rival faction. The area map extends from the Americas to the Urals and India. Military units are 16mm wooden blocks of 7 unit-types (armies, fleets, etc.) so the nature of rival military forces is unknown until they are revealed for combat. Economic production underlies all forms of power in the game, and is limited by the least of one's controlled Population (cities), controlled Resources, and level of industrial development. Population and Resources can be added through peaceful Diplomacy (card-play) or military conquest, but this latter incurs negative "world reaction" consequences. Industrial development requires re-investment of current Production, at the expense of military buildup and Diplomatic/Technological initiatives. Triumph & Tragedy is a true 3-sided game : only one player can win and there is no more presumption of West-USSR cooperation than any other possibility. Competition for Population and Resource growth will increasingly provoke rivals, and war is possible at any point but not inevitable. Inter-player negotiation can instantly change the geopolitical balance, but agreements are not enforceable, so cooperation is shifting and undependable. For 2-way play, the ability of the Allies (West and USSR) to collaborate against the Axis is hindered to reflect their differing agendas. The game can continue as a diplomatic/economic struggle or a sudden military explosion can change everything. Military action occurs on a seasonal scale and incurs economic and diplomatic costs. Operational initiative is variable and only somewhat controlled by players. Combat is intense and often decisive and technological superiority can be telling.Jeu stratégique "à blocs" pour 2 à 3 joueurs s’affrontant pour la suprématie sur l'Europe de 1935 à 1945, la victoire pouvant être économique, technologique ou militaire.

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    [Triumph & Tragedy] - GMT[Triumph & Tragedy] - GMT
    Des Esseintes dit : Très amusant mais pas du tout historique et je ne parle pas juste de l'extrême variabilité diplomatique mais aussi du système de combat (donc en gros même bilan que pour Maria). A ce propos, l'auteur a écrit qu'il voulait permettre aux joueurs d'explorer d'autres situations que ce qui s'est passé réellement qui est déjà abondamment repris dans le monde du jeu. En cela, c'est juste royalement réussi, imo, et cela justifie la totale liberté que le jeu offre aux joueurs. Je lisais encore une "review" qui estimait que l'auteur "Craig Besingue" s'inspirait du concept de Clausewitz (" La guerre n'est que le prolongement de la politique par d'autres moyens." avec son jeu. C'est assez correct... T&T est un wargame où pourrait ne se déclarer aucune guerre, si la diplomatie suffit (~ cartes mais aussi cette espèce de conférence permanente à 3 joueurs autour de la table qui permet d'ouvrir encore plus le jeu). En cela, bien que correctement construit, le système de combat en lui même n'est, de fait, pas l'essence du jeu, ni même l'aspect le plus intéressant. Et même si réussir stratégiquement un combat, une prise de contrôle, un bombardement stratégique, un débarquement ou une invasion militaire (et je ne parle pas de court-circuiter une violation de neutralité en cours que ce soit face à une faction rivale ou déjà ennemie) reste grisant, l'auteur réussit avant tout à imprégner les actions militaires de ces choix politiques que font les joueurs, vu les contraintes solides à gérer. D'ailleurs, y-a-t-il beaucoup de wargames où le joueur perd des points de victoires en déclarant guerre^^? Ce n'est pas anodin.. Bref, de mon côté et avec ma table, on est très séduit par ces aspects du jeu qui rendent T&T atypique. Ce n'est pas du Risk amélioré. De toute évidence. Personnellement, je suis carrément bluffé par ce jeu.


