Boîte du jeu : Warbands: Bushido

Warbands: Bushido


Warbands - is a historical, collectable wargame, where instead of looking on thousands of units in your army from above, we are going to take a closer look on characters in times of war. What is really happening on the battlefield when our band of swordsmen attacks unaware bandit camp, or holds a castle against superior enemy squad. Every sword in a skillful hands can change a tide of battle. Game has a isometric, tabletop-style look with miniature-style characters, cards, dices, pre-rendered battlefields and story-mode locations. There are more than 100 various paintable units and heroes planned for release and later additions. Story driven single-player was highly influenced by Final Fantasy Tactics and Valkyria Chronicles, with several different campaigns with its own characters and events. While multiplayer skirmish will let you test your skills in best traditions of tabletop wargame classics like Warmachine or Mordheim with a fast-paced Hearthstone-like gameplay.

Nombre de joueurs :2 - null
Age :8 ans et +
Durée de partie :20 min
Langues :Français
Fiche mise à jour le :24/11/2021 16:50:21



    Description de la communauté

    Warbands - is a historical, collectable wargame, where instead of looking on thousands of units in your army from above, we are going to take a closer look on characters in times of war. What is really happening on the battlefield when our band of swordsmen attacks unaware bandit camp, or holds a castle against superior enemy squad. Every sword in a skillful hands can change a tide of battle. Game has a isometric, tabletop-style look with miniature-style characters, cards, dices, pre-rendered battlefields and story-mode locations. There are more than 100 various paintable units and heroes planned for release and later additions. Story driven single-player was highly influenced by Final Fantasy Tactics and Valkyria Chronicles, with several different campaigns with its own characters and events. While multiplayer skirmish will let you test your skills in best traditions of tabletop wargame classics like Warmachine or Mordheim with a fast-paced Hearthstone-like gameplay.Tactical, turn-based, tabletop-style wargame series for PC, Mac and mobile devices with complex and smooth gameplay.

    Images & vidéos

    Les avis


      Warbands : Bushido - Le petit tour du tour par tour

      Warbands : Bushido - Le petit tour du tour par tour

      , le 20/04/2016
      [[Warbands: Bushido](]<br /><br /><img src="upload://aEqHhMgknc3K9Z7IbXzDoaTyEuT.png" alt="Warbands : Bushido - Le petit tour du tour par tour"...

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